Email marketing

Email marketing.Made easy, finally.

Используя Goodly, вы легко расширите свои списки, увеличите количество конверсий и оптимизируете взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью красивых электронных писем и автоответчиков, веб-форм с высокой конверсией, сегментации списков и уникальных инструментов доставки.

Send better email

Send better email

Whether you need to sell your products, share some big news, or tell a story, our email template builder makes it easy to create an email marketing campaign that best suit your target audience.

Send better email
See how you're doing

See how you're doing

Goodly reports show you how well you're connecting with your audience. You get detailed reports for opens, clicks, unsubscribes, bounces, complains and much more, all shown in a simple and clear way.

See how you're doing